Darlyssa Designs

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Here begins the Art Blog….Again.

I already have one. Some of you have followed my blog at www.DarlyssaDesigns.com . It’s sporadic. I love to write about my ideas and goals but I loathe the process of logging in and pressing the first key. The thought of doing it is a nagging item on the list of things to do.

The publishing is a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. It helps me lay out my thoughts and allows me to identify which thoughts and ideas I wish to explore. It gives me a chance to connect with friends, family and the few followers of my journey who in return, give me great feedback. Not just “Oh, that’s great!” feedback. I actually like the constructive criticism. It’s not always easy to hear but

  1. It’s someone’s opinion and…

  2. It’s usually something I didn’t consider and need to hear.

My goal in life is to be regimented. I am finally admitting, I am the exact opposite of that. I AM sporadic. I have moments of obsession over things I need to learn or art I need to try. I keep digging, I keep experimenting. I keep trying.

The NEW plan. The new plan is to simplify. I’m not sure what I will do with the old blog at DarlyssaDesigns.com, maybe it will be more about family, life and travel. This blog will be a short peek into the art room to show you what and how I’m creating. A diary of the process.

I am learning as I go. I will make mistakes, but I will share it all. My mistakes will be epic but I’ll have some great successes.

I invite you to share my journey and please share your thoughts.